Information for Seller's
Are you thinking of selling your home, the best piece of advice we can give you is to listen to your REALTOR®. You have an important decision when selling your home. Agent selection, who will you choose to represent you? Did you know, your REALTOR® has a fiduciary duty to support you in selling your home with the best possible terms, and to assist your through the entire process. At J-N-J Real Estate Services, Inc. our REALTOR® will walk you thru the process of selling your home and will familiarize you with the requirements, documents and procedures that you will experience throughout the transaction.
J-N-J Real Estate Services, Inc. is a full service real estate firm based out of Rancho Cucamonga, CA. We specialize in Sales , Leasing and Property Management. We have over 30 years of combined experience. Utilizing our established relationships we service our clients with professionalism, while ensuring that all their needs are met. We started J-N-J Real Estate Services, Inc. with the intent of providing our clients with more than the average level of service. We want to assist our clients in "UNDERSTANDING" the Real Estate Transaction they are entering into. So ask us!
What we will do to sell your property. We know that over 90% of all homebuyers use the Internet first to find their next home, with this knowledge we focus on web marketing. We also utilize our extensive industry network and marketing system which includes Social Media to market your home to the greatest number of potential buyers. Your property will be featured on the local and statewide REALTOR® MLS as well as on our syndicated partners sites. We will install a yard sign, create and distribute flyers, hold Open Houses (if you desire) and follow up with all interested parties. We will continuously market your property.
We are professional REALTOR® and as a REALTOR® we are pledged to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. We believe that knowledge is gained through practice and experience. We pride ourselves on my knowledge of our local real estate market. We will take the time to listen to our clients to help us better understand how we can best help you (our clients) achieve your goals. Our experience has allowed us to not only to meet, but supersede our clients expectations in dealing with their unique real estate needs. We will remain focused on your needs, and will work to help you realize your dreams as if they were our own.
We will convey to you our commitment. It is with pleasure we provide to you our personal professional service and our fiduciary duty of utmost care. You can feel confident in that we will provide to you our good faith, integrity, honesty, loyalty, aid and advice in the monitoring, negotiating, closing and settling of your property and that I will always perform for the sole benefit and interests of you the seller with loyalty to your interest.
You love your home; you love every little nuance, every nook and every cranny. As a home seller, make sure your REALTOR® knows what you love about your home. Your REALTOR® can market your property more effectively and let prospective buyers in on the special facets that make your house a home.
Home Selling Tips
When setting a price for your property, there are many things to consider.
Is your home a non-distressed sale or equity sale. A non-distressed sale or equity sale is a real estate sale in which the seller has equity in their property and where there is no actual imminent requirement to sell.
Could your home be considered a distressed sale? A distressed sale is the sale of real property under circumstances creating urgency on the part of the seller, such as vacancy, impending foreclosure, divorce, relocation to another city, or any other such pressure.
Another important consideration is Activity vs. Timing, when a property is initially listed it will generate a high level of interest from potential buyers. It is important to be priced correctly in the beginning as to generate the highest level of interest from prospective buyers.
Buyers look at many homes before making an offer on any one property. This puts the buyer in a position of having a good overview of the comparable properties offered in our current market. Potential buyers will compare your property against the other properties they have viewed. Buyers must feel they are getting good value for their money.
Setting the price
When we set your listing price it must strike a balance between the seller’s (your) need to achieve the best-possible return in the desired time period and the buyer’s need to get good value. With years of experience as a professional REALTOR® we can help you set a price that will accomplish both objectives.
True Value
The true value of your property will be determined by what a buyer is willing to pay for it at the time when you desire to sell it.
Links to Informational Brochures for Sellers
Government Hotlinks
HUD https://www.hud.gov/
FHA https://www.fha.gov/
First-Time Homebuyers Credit https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=204671,00.html
CA Department of Real Estate https://www.dre.ca.gov/